Saturday 29 August 2015


With the dawn of a new day,
As the golden halo smiles upon a sleepy planet
Sending its first rays through clouds and curtains alike
I arise to new opportunities, novel prospects and a thousand new dreams...
                           (The above picture was taken at the Company Gardens at Mussoorie.)

Once again, rifling through the memoirs of a true traveler:

Life  takes  the  most  unexpected  turns  at  the  least  thought  of  times!  Yes,  last  summer  during  the  much  coveted,  long  drawn  out  holidays  my  Dad  gave  me  the  best  birthday  surprise  ever  in  all  of  my  twenty-three  years.  On  the  morning  of  12th  May  2014,  I  was  handed  an  envelope  containing  air-tickets  to  Delhi  from  our  hometown  in  Bhubaneswar,  Odisha  and  a  four  nights - five  days  tour  package  to  Mussoorie.  I  just  love  travelling  or  rather  you  could  say  I  am  a  born  traveller,  having  had  my  first  out-station  train  journey  at  the  age  of  two,  and  even  today  that  squeal  of  delight  I  gave  on  opening  that  packet  reverberates  in  my  ears,  bringing  a  smile  to  my  lips.
             Charged  with  happiness,  excitement  coursing  through  my  veins,  I,  Mom  and  Dad  headed  off  to  Delhi.  The  flight  to  the  capital  city  was  an  uneventful  one,  the  aircraft  skimming  through  the  sea  of  clouds,  past  tiny  outlines  of  buildings,  cities  and  grasslands,  unfurling  like a  banner  beneath  us,  thousands  of  feet  below.  The  usual  two  hours  from  Bhubaneswar  to  Delhi  literally  seemed  like  two  whole  days  as  time  dragged  on  at  a  snail’s  pace.  But  finally,  we  alighted  at  the  Indira  Gandhi  International  Airport  at  New  Delhi,  and  took  a  cab  to  the  railway  station.  There,  we  boarded  the  Shatabdi  Express  to  Dehradun.  And  now  the  real  fun  began!
               Travelling  in  the  First  Class  compartment  of  one  of  the  most  special  trains  of  the  Indian  Railways  was  a  blissful  experience.  We  were  greeted  with  sticks  of  roses  and  a  tempting  array  of  snacks  and  beverages  by  uniformed  attendants  dressed  in  a  royal  attire – a  maroon  buttoned-up  coat,  white  pantaloons  and  a  brilliant  red  Pagdi,  embroidered  with  much  gold  thread.  All  through  the  four-hour  journey,  we  were  munching  on  various  tid-bits,  sipping  coffee,  or  black  tea  while  watching  the  passing  landscape  with  growing  enthusiasm.  The  vegetation  changed  as  the  train  manoeuvred  through  hilly  terrain,  broadleaf  banyans  and  gulmohars  giving  way  to  pines  and  conifers.  Located  about  230  kilometres  from  Delhi,  Dehradun,  also  called  the  “Abode  of  Drona” – a  sleepy  little  town  bordered  by  hills  and  mountains – offered  a  welcome  respite  from  the  heat  and  dust,  the  crowd  and  clutter  of  India’s  capital  city.  We  drove  through  metalled  roads,  twisting  and  turning  every  now  and  then,  spiralling  upwards  in  dizzying  circles.  These  roads  were  cut  out  on  hills,  joining  one  part  of  the  land  to  the  other.  Birches,  pines,  fir  and  spruce  towered  over  us,  their  needle-like  leaves  swaying  in  the  cool  breeze.  Snow-white  clouds  patterned  like  flocks  of  fluffy  sheep,  seemed  to  race  across  the  blue  sky,  making  an  occasional  detour  through  the  window  of  our  speeding  vehicle.  Higher  and  higher  we  drove,  the  distant  hills  blanketed  by  lush  greenery  surrounded  by  a  backdrop  of  snow-clad  mountains,  presented  a  picture  of  awe.  
            After  a  forty-five  minute  drive,  we  finally  arrived  at  Mussoorie,  the  proverbial  Queen  of  Hill  Stations,  located  at  an  altitude  of  over  6,500ft  above  sea  level.  On  our  way  to  the  hotel,  we  caught  a  glimpse  of  the  Kempty  Falls,  snaking  its  way  down  the  mighty  hills,  on  the  Yamunotri  Road.  Soon,  we  arrived  at  the  hotel  Madhuban  Highlands  where  a  room  had  been  pre-booked  for  our  stay.  It  was  a  fascinating  place,  located  high  atop  the  hills,  towering  over  the  Mall  Road  and  the  Camel’s  Back  Road,  the  ambience  inviting  and  the  staff  quite  friendly.  Early  the  next  morning,  we  set  afoot  down  the  Camel’s  Back  Road,  breathing  in  the  scent  of  dawn,  revelling  in  the  glory  of  mother  nature.  Far  away  from  the  din  and  bustle  of  city  life,  spared  from  the  scorching  heat  of  the  summer  sun,  we  toured  the  small  town  drinking  in  the  beauty  of  the  landscape  and  the  picturesque  scenario  it  offered.  Occasionally  pausing  to  buy  some  mementos  from  road-side  vendors  or  to  enjoy  a  steaming  cup  of  tea,  I  felt  as  if  it  were  a  dream.  Indeed,  it  was  nothing  short  of  paradise  on  earth!
                We  also  took  a  ropeway  ride  to  Gun  Hill,  Mussoorie’s  second  highest  peak,  which  offered  a  spectacular  view  of  the  Himalayan  ranges.  The  place  is  so  named  as  the  hilltop  had  a  gun  mounted  on  it  before  independence.  I  was  saturated  with  joy,  completely  at  peace  with  the  world,  experiencing  oneness  with  nature.  The  weather  was  bright  and  clear,  an  occasional  layer  of  mist  enveloping  the  distant  slopes.  Taking  an  idyllic  stroll  through  the  meandering  mountain  roads  of  the  hill  station,  we  arrived  at  Landour  Bazaar,  a  local  marketplace  where  the  native  sold  cheap  trinkets  and  handicrafts.  I  being  a  great  fan  of  Ruskin  Bond,  the  author  paid  a  visit  to  the  Cambridge  Book  Store  where  he  came  every  Tuesday.  But  sad  coincidence  though,  Mr. Bond  was  away  visiting  my  hometown  Bhubaneswar  as  a  delegate  of  a  conference.  So  I  just  bought  two  of  his  books  that  they  promised  to  ship  to  my  postal  address  duly  signed,  with  his  autograph  after  he  returned.
               As  evening  descended,  Camel’s  Back  road  offered  a  spectacular  view  of  the  sunset,  as  we  found  the  much  needed  peace  and  tranquillity.  The  breeze  seemed  to  whisper  through  the  trees,  the  lazily  waving  pines  and  firs  beckoning  me  to  rest  in  their  eternal  serenity.  Ah!  What  a  blissful  existence. 
                 Other  quills  will  describe  the  grandeur  of  the  places  of  tourist  attraction  around  Mussoorie – Dhanaulti,  Nanga  Parvat  and  Jwalaji  Temple.  All  I  can  say  is  that,  I  have  toured  many  places  across  India – North  to  South,  but  Mussoorie  has  indeed,  justifiably  left  me  spellbound.  Time  seemed  to  fly  with  indecent  haste  and  soon  the  day  of  our  departure  dawned.  Bags  packed,  but  our  minds  completely  refreshed  and  rejuvenated,  we  said  goodbye  to  those  hills  that  had  so  warmly  welcomed  us  to  their  midst,  making  us  feel  completely  at  home  in  a  foreign  land  and  drove  towards  the  Dehradun  Railway  Station  for  the  homeward  journey.  As  the  car  sped  through  the  thicket  of  trees,  I  stole  a  last  glance  of  the  Snow  white  facade  of  Madhuban  Highlands,  receding  in  the  distance  into  a  tiny  speck  and  made  a  promise  unto  myself – that  yes  I  would  return  once  more  to  this  heaven  on  earth,  which  through  its  subtle  charm,  grace  and  serenity  had  stolen  my  heart!  Yes,  I  now  call  Mussoorie  my  second  home  and  not  unlike  the  first  Australian  born  novelist  Johan  Lang  who  spent  his  last  years  at  Mussoorie,  I  too  hope  that  one  day,  may  my  wandering  soul  be  put  to  rest  in  the  lap  of  these  marvellous  mountain  ranges.
         And  yes,  those  books  arrived  a  fortnight  after  I  reached  home,  bearing  Ruskin  Bond’s  signature  and  his  best  wishes.    Even  today  when  I  slide  open  the  book  case,  those  two  books  catch  my  eye  and  I  am  visited  by  a  mad  urge  to  rush  back  to  Mussoorie,  relive  all  those  coveted  moments,  breathe  in  the  scent  of  romance...  To  all  those  who  do  take  out  the  time  to  read  this  post,  it  is  my  sincere  request,  that  if  tranquillity  and  nature  delight  you,  do  take  a  trip  to  Mussoorie,  the  Queen  of  hills.  And  I  promise,  you  will  never  regret  it! 

Friday 28 August 2015


                                                                     FINDING MYSELF:
          I looked high up into the sky
           The Stars winking down at me
          The silver disk singing lullabies
          In a fruitless attempt to put an agitated world to sleep
          While the mighty waves beneath smiled belligerently
          Crashing synchronically on the rocky beach.
           I walked on and on
           Oblivious to all else
          Completely at peace with my inner being
           In the quest for finding myself!
           Those footprints on the sands of time
           Fading in the distance
          A living memoir of my journey
          That yes, one day my tender feet

Live Life Living. 
Once upon a time, there were stars and there were I.
I walked through them, and i said ‘Oh My!’
I was a wanderer, a lonely soul
These cities were my friends, and nature took its toll.   

If you are a traveller, then these lines will make so much more sense to you and fascinate you. But if you are not, they will still fascinate you, and once they do you will start to make sense of it all. Travelling is not just an experience, rather it’s and entirely different world. A world full of endless journeys, endless possibilities, endless adventures and endless experiences. It is not merely limited to packing up your bags and going on a vacation, neither is it as simple as just taking off for an adventure. Travelling is your spirit, it is the personification of your innermost self. And more or less it is exploration of that innermost self. 

Getting lost in the trance of trees sweeping past on the road, or admiring the beauty of the tiniest of things be it a squirrel or the tea-stall on the corner of the bust stand, there is literally no limitations to what travelling can do for you and where it can get you. Journey through the infinite darkness and there will hardly be any hope for life. The desire to see more and spirit to know more is a really adjourning force. It can force you to do things you deemed unnerving. It shows you an entirely different side of a person, that is you.
But who are you? Have ever pondered long enough on this endearing thought?

If you sincerely want an answer to this question nothing else can help you but getting out of your comfort zone to experience new things. Travelling is the soul of every living being on this person. We are always moving forward in life, learning new things, meeting new people. The only problem that comes in your way is your own self. But you’ve got to challenge yourself. And trust me, when you do reach places that you never thought you could, when you come across people and experiences you thought never existed, your entire persona will be so much different than what it is at this moment, you will be a person so free in mind and spirit that nothing will ever feel appealing enough to you as the search for newer experiences in life.
As I said, travelling is the soul of every living being, and what good are you doing for yourself if you are not working on experiencing the innermost and the most amazing part of your life. Travelling can be anything that gives you a new purpose, anything that teaches you something new. It can be as insignificant as taking a stroll in a park, or something as huge as journeying through the vast seas. But as long as you are meeting new people, connecting with new souls, living a new life, you will never cease to enjoy it. 

Give a never ending purpose to your existence. Go see new places, go explore new adventures. Just don't survive. Just don't get through your life. You get only one of it. Go start living. Go start exploring. Go start travelling.
Get to the part where you live your life. And when you do, you will truly be able to live your life living… 

Wednesday 19 August 2015

Bhedaghat : The Marbel Rock Fall

'Some calls it a mini Naigara Falls'

Bhedaghat is a small town approximately 30 km from the Jabalpur city in Madhya Pradesh.. This place is very well known for its snow-white marvellous rocks and the mighty waterfall.It is situated by the side of river Narmada.The mountains of white rock at Bhedaghat soars for more than 100 ft above the ground level.

The White Marble Rock and Narmada river
The major attraction here is the 'Dhudhar Falls' The water from the mighty river Narmada river plunges making its way through the rock mountains.This is so intense that it looks like smoke cutting of the river and therefore the name 'Dhua' (smoke) and 'dhar' (flow of water). The amount of water flowing present an overwhelming spectacle of the nature.
The Dhuadhar falls
The serene water in the river along with the moonlit night provide a perfect scenario for the boating in the evening.This is surely a heavenly experience and should not be missed.

Boating inNarmada river
Another major attraction is 'Bandar Kudini' . This place is found while boating when the two mountains on the either side of the mighty river are so close that monkeys are able to jump across them and hence the name 'Bandar Kudini'.
The surroundings also have a great shopping areas where you can purchase the wonderful marble rock carved statues and showpieces etc.
This is a perfect place to stop by with a group of friends if you really wanna enjoy and admire the nature's real power and wonders.

Sunday 16 August 2015

Kovalam - The Paradise of South

"The Gods Own Country.....Kerala"

Kerala is one place in India which enjoys the unique geographical features which made it one of the most sought tourist attraction in India. The Paradise of south is considered as Kovalam.
Kovalam as it means ' the group of Coconut Trees' is situated roughly 16 Km from Trivandrum, the capital city of Kerala and is well connected by roads and public transports. 

The spectacular view of the kovalam beach from a resort

The most popular part of Kovalam beach is the light house beach.The spectacular view from the light house is absolutely breath-taking,The sand here is black in color due to the presence of thorazite.

The lighthouse beach

The other parts of the beach are the Hawa beach and the Samudra beach.
All these beaches are the main hub of Europeans  where they enjoy swimming, long hours of sun bath as well as surfing. One can easily avail surfing boats and body boats and spend relaxing hours while admiring the beautiful and clean beaches. 
Hawa beach
Kovalam's main attraction being the visitors here from all across the world along with all the facilities from some of the world known chains of hotels and  resort like the Leela Palace and the Taj Vivanta etc makes it a perfect tourist spot for a short and reliving trip. The resorts near light house beach also has some of the famous Ayurvedic salon and if you have interest you can enjoy wide variety of Ayurvedic treatments and medicines and its definitely worth it.It is  really an amazing experience with friends and family as well. Main season starts from Nov and till  Mar. 
Come and get engrossed in the beauty of paradise......


    Hi, how are you? So nice to see you smiling there ! How was your day ? Answer...... Did you made only money today ? Nothing else? Oh, how poor you are ! Don't be disheartened your luck will shine soon, I'll pray for you ! I hope all your worries end in a dustbin! Or in a pit! Or in in the fire! Or water! Oh yes or may they end in hands of the Satan master !! Well, tell me something more? Something? Do you have an interesting story? A new picture to show? No ? Ohh!
    Hey but I do !! So last Monday I was sleeping and I had s wonderful dream! I was on an island!!!! Ohhhh yes! I was on this island of don't know what name, I was wearing a sarong suit with a flower headgear, around me was only water, sky and land. No humans, no networks. Just my camera and my diary. I had a whole cottage to myself. Ohhh I was so into that dream even after waking up that I couldn't stop thinking about it for two days. And that was it! I took my laptop and booked my tickets to Maldives! Oh yes, what's more best? I took the leaves I've been saving for my holiday and oh my god what an experience that was! I had a five day stay! Just me, beach, breeze, freshness, dance, calmness, relaxing massages, yummy food, and what not. I'll show you my pictures and tell the stories along. Come home this sunday! See you!
    (In the mirror) You keep saving! Waiting! Delaying! Complaining! Stay home! Go office! Enjoy traffic! Post unhappy selfies! Bye

Friday 14 August 2015


Travel was the main source through which Buddha gathered all his teachings. He grew while traveling, became known by travelling. He did all his major tasks in life by travelling. Even, his few teachings indicate towards travelling and getting insight. Travelling is not just a medium to see the rest of the world, go on adventures getting memories. It has a lot more to it. Nature's beauty is nothing to be ignored. It's power, its grace, its magic is felt not in books or movies but in close real contact. In this fast pace world, one is busy finding opportunities, saving money and repenting over the past.
Buddha says, 
“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future,
concentrate the mind on the present moment.''
So, don't hold the past and don't worry of future. Take what you have, more or even less, the world is not so bad and just take the opportunity. Take the opportunity to next train or flight or bus to your destination. This is the moment of which you were thinking yesterday. This is the moment you were saving for. This is the moment you've been waiting for. We all have dreams, wishes of going here or going there and sometimes just everywhere.
Travelling primarily today has become more of a ritual. A ritual one seeks and performs with whole heart. Travelling today has become a practice followed more than religion or spirituality. So there's an old story, in the jungle there was this turtle who was slow as he famous is but keen enough to go through. Every animal in the forest used to challenge it in their field or speciality. The turtle always was at lost. It was neither broad, tall, fragile, fast, light to fly, good enough to swim, etc. It had something that anyone could do. Walk slowly !! It never declined a challenge, it took it and took it to completion however. Gradually, he was growing old, animals of its age were dying. But it was rewarded by God to live more than hundred years. It became the oldest in the animal clan of jungle. Young animals would go to it ask for helps in their emotional matters as it was believed to be the most experienced of anyone. So this turtle would say only one mantra to every animal in its ears secretly '' The only way out is through.'' 
'' The only way out is through,'' 
So what one actually learns from the story is whatever maybe the hurdles be, if one has to make the dreams, the wishes come true, one has to walk through them and not hold on or just keep repenting. So grab the map, pack the bag, and take steps to your new journey. A journey to new life. A journey to satisfy. A journey to paradise. A journey to your own lifetime.


Great travellers and travel writers like Robert reminds me of that passion and emotions I've felt when I travelled to new places, which have of course been experienced by so many travellers. These writers capture little moments of clarity that highlight truths about travel, adventure, and life. Every single detail inspires us to pack our bags and just run to places you've never been before, to explore the life you've never seen before, to experience new surroundings you've never thought of before. They tell you so much about the life of a traveller. 
Some people say that people who travel a lot can't be attached to one place and can't love a particular thing because their profession requires them to move on. That's not at all true. Every person who travels, travels with love in their heart for the places they have never been before, for the people they have never met before. It's the curiosity to find more that pulls them from one place to another. Travellers can never forget what they have seen all their lives because it's what they live for. Yes, life isn't easy for the ones who travel, but it does teach some things like how life is never the same. Anywhere and everywhere you go, you will find something different, something new, something extraordinary. And to find something extraordinarily new, travel. Every place you go includes adventure, excitement, and passion. Every bit of it is worth your time, money or effort because in the end you will be looking at the simplest things in the world like sunsets, a mother nurturing a daughter, bees sitting on flowers etc in Spain or France or Germany but each experience will be different and new. From the time you decide to travel till the time you are actually standing there witnessing the things you once daydreamed about, you are writing a story, an extraordinary story about yet another expedition, yet another adventure. Some of us travel alone and some of us travel with friends. I personally like travelling alone, because it gives me that space I need. That solitude I have when I sit at the banks of Ganga in Banares is just remarkable ! It's like calming a fire in your soul. It's beautiful. 
Every journey we make is in order to seek some new places, to seek some new lives or to seek some new souls. As a traveller myself the most happiest thing for me is a departure into new, strange lands where everything is different from cultures to traditions, from dance to lifestyle, EVERYTHING. Even love is different. The only similarity is coming across new people.
I am saying this as one traveller to another, never travel to escape something in life, rather travel to achieve something.

Monday 10 August 2015

The Heart Shaped Lake - Chembra Peak

" Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get - only with what you are expecting to give - which is everything "

And surely you expect yourself to give more and more to your soul mate....
Once in a while you might feel to surprise your better half with a romantic surprise...You might think of taking him/her to one of the most romantic place around the world...may be a lavish  dinner at Maldive.s or a blissful day out at Switzerland or an overwhelming experience at the beaches of Thailand.

Well India is full of such mind blowing romantic places and the task is to find them and make the days special.Mother earth is full of such visionaries and I would tell you about one such master piece.

This place is a heart-shaped lake at Chembra Peak in Kerala. It is the highest peak in Wayanad, at 2,100 m (6,900 ft) above sea level.Chembra is located near the town of Meppady and is 8 km south of Kalpetta. It is part of the Wayanad hill ranges in Western Ghats.

Trek to Chembra Peak.

Chembra Peak is one of the most sought trekking peak in the South India.The lush green mountain trek and a perfect weather with cool breeze of air an sometimes the mild drizzling at sunrise builds a enchanting mood to trek with a group of friends and dear ones at this place.The entire route is flourishing with variety of trees and plants along the way and the sounds of different kind of birds in the morning renews and soothes our weary spirit.

The spiritual 'heart-shaped' lake is in the mid-way to the top of the hill. The lake is believed to have never dried up and water is soothingly cold and refreshing.One can carry a little breakfast and dry snack to ingest after the hefty trek along panoramic view.

Chembra Peak - 'Heart shaped Lake

The lake is also known as 'hridhayathadakam' from the word 'hridhya' meaning 'heart'. The mesmerizing view of the Wayand town and other hills from this peak is worth admiring. If you ever had a lil interest in trekking and an adventure day out with a group of friends or to take your loved one to a romantic trek then this is a perfect bliss.

Mesmerizing view from the Chembra peak

"It feels good to be lost in the right direction......"

and this is one such direction.....