Sunday 16 August 2015


    Hi, how are you? So nice to see you smiling there ! How was your day ? Answer...... Did you made only money today ? Nothing else? Oh, how poor you are ! Don't be disheartened your luck will shine soon, I'll pray for you ! I hope all your worries end in a dustbin! Or in a pit! Or in in the fire! Or water! Oh yes or may they end in hands of the Satan master !! Well, tell me something more? Something? Do you have an interesting story? A new picture to show? No ? Ohh!
    Hey but I do !! So last Monday I was sleeping and I had s wonderful dream! I was on an island!!!! Ohhhh yes! I was on this island of don't know what name, I was wearing a sarong suit with a flower headgear, around me was only water, sky and land. No humans, no networks. Just my camera and my diary. I had a whole cottage to myself. Ohhh I was so into that dream even after waking up that I couldn't stop thinking about it for two days. And that was it! I took my laptop and booked my tickets to Maldives! Oh yes, what's more best? I took the leaves I've been saving for my holiday and oh my god what an experience that was! I had a five day stay! Just me, beach, breeze, freshness, dance, calmness, relaxing massages, yummy food, and what not. I'll show you my pictures and tell the stories along. Come home this sunday! See you!
    (In the mirror) You keep saving! Waiting! Delaying! Complaining! Stay home! Go office! Enjoy traffic! Post unhappy selfies! Bye

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