Friday 14 August 2015


Travel was the main source through which Buddha gathered all his teachings. He grew while traveling, became known by travelling. He did all his major tasks in life by travelling. Even, his few teachings indicate towards travelling and getting insight. Travelling is not just a medium to see the rest of the world, go on adventures getting memories. It has a lot more to it. Nature's beauty is nothing to be ignored. It's power, its grace, its magic is felt not in books or movies but in close real contact. In this fast pace world, one is busy finding opportunities, saving money and repenting over the past.
Buddha says, 
“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future,
concentrate the mind on the present moment.''
So, don't hold the past and don't worry of future. Take what you have, more or even less, the world is not so bad and just take the opportunity. Take the opportunity to next train or flight or bus to your destination. This is the moment of which you were thinking yesterday. This is the moment you were saving for. This is the moment you've been waiting for. We all have dreams, wishes of going here or going there and sometimes just everywhere.
Travelling primarily today has become more of a ritual. A ritual one seeks and performs with whole heart. Travelling today has become a practice followed more than religion or spirituality. So there's an old story, in the jungle there was this turtle who was slow as he famous is but keen enough to go through. Every animal in the forest used to challenge it in their field or speciality. The turtle always was at lost. It was neither broad, tall, fragile, fast, light to fly, good enough to swim, etc. It had something that anyone could do. Walk slowly !! It never declined a challenge, it took it and took it to completion however. Gradually, he was growing old, animals of its age were dying. But it was rewarded by God to live more than hundred years. It became the oldest in the animal clan of jungle. Young animals would go to it ask for helps in their emotional matters as it was believed to be the most experienced of anyone. So this turtle would say only one mantra to every animal in its ears secretly '' The only way out is through.'' 
'' The only way out is through,'' 
So what one actually learns from the story is whatever maybe the hurdles be, if one has to make the dreams, the wishes come true, one has to walk through them and not hold on or just keep repenting. So grab the map, pack the bag, and take steps to your new journey. A journey to new life. A journey to satisfy. A journey to paradise. A journey to your own lifetime.

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