Friday 14 August 2015


Great travellers and travel writers like Robert reminds me of that passion and emotions I've felt when I travelled to new places, which have of course been experienced by so many travellers. These writers capture little moments of clarity that highlight truths about travel, adventure, and life. Every single detail inspires us to pack our bags and just run to places you've never been before, to explore the life you've never seen before, to experience new surroundings you've never thought of before. They tell you so much about the life of a traveller. 
Some people say that people who travel a lot can't be attached to one place and can't love a particular thing because their profession requires them to move on. That's not at all true. Every person who travels, travels with love in their heart for the places they have never been before, for the people they have never met before. It's the curiosity to find more that pulls them from one place to another. Travellers can never forget what they have seen all their lives because it's what they live for. Yes, life isn't easy for the ones who travel, but it does teach some things like how life is never the same. Anywhere and everywhere you go, you will find something different, something new, something extraordinary. And to find something extraordinarily new, travel. Every place you go includes adventure, excitement, and passion. Every bit of it is worth your time, money or effort because in the end you will be looking at the simplest things in the world like sunsets, a mother nurturing a daughter, bees sitting on flowers etc in Spain or France or Germany but each experience will be different and new. From the time you decide to travel till the time you are actually standing there witnessing the things you once daydreamed about, you are writing a story, an extraordinary story about yet another expedition, yet another adventure. Some of us travel alone and some of us travel with friends. I personally like travelling alone, because it gives me that space I need. That solitude I have when I sit at the banks of Ganga in Banares is just remarkable ! It's like calming a fire in your soul. It's beautiful. 
Every journey we make is in order to seek some new places, to seek some new lives or to seek some new souls. As a traveller myself the most happiest thing for me is a departure into new, strange lands where everything is different from cultures to traditions, from dance to lifestyle, EVERYTHING. Even love is different. The only similarity is coming across new people.
I am saying this as one traveller to another, never travel to escape something in life, rather travel to achieve something.

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