Sunday 30 August 2015

En Route Happiness. 

Once upon a time, there began the quest for happiness. Everyone envied the other for their bundle of joy. But alas, no one cared that it was all a matter of perceiving your life as a precious toy.

It often happens that we spend all of our lives in search of that ultimate image of the perfect life that we eventually hope to live. But have you ever stopped for a moment to wonder where exactly you are going on in this journey? Ever given this pondering moment called the present to think on whether you are giving your best in the search for that perfect life?

We are all on this amazing journey, where even though we travel together, all of us have a different destiny and all of ur have a different path to take. But the focus of all our lives is same, to find that sense of belonging and happiness that can give us the satisfaction that we all deserve. What we eventually need to come to terms with is that there is only one way we can find happiness, and that is by accepting and loving the person that you are deep down in spirit and soul. 

And it is at this point now that i will let you in on a little secret. Actually it is not little, neither is it much of a secret. It is something that we know is true, but we find difficult to accept and follow. 
There is only one rule in life, only one purpose, to find and appreciate the beautiful human being that you are. You need to go and meet other people that already do. And for that you need to get off that scrawny ass of yours, get a bag and just lose yourself in this world which has so much to offer to you, so much for you to see.

There is so much for you to see here. Hills offer a paradise, the beaches enchant you, the history calls for you to see its grandeur. And the way i see it, you need to come up with a really good excuse in order to not start travelling. Because once that you do, there will be nothing that can stop you, and you will finally be En Route Happiness, that'll stay with you all through your life.

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