Wednesday 2 September 2015



Walking along the dusty cobbled streets
Heavily laden with tourists and traffic
Multistoreyed hotels flaunting either side,
I quicken my pace,
Eager to reach my destination.

The roar of the ocean
The perennial whiff of sea and salt
And miles and miles of golden sand
Welcoming me to my cherished heavenly abode!
Slippers in hand
My silken tresses flying behind me
I rush towards the beach
Screams of delight
Echoing across the windy skies!

Gargantuan waves rush onward
Shattering the serenity of the evening
With the force of a bullet
Breaking on the wet wet shore
With an almighty crash...
And before long
Receding into the watery depths of the mighty seas
Shifting sands beneath my feet
Momentarily transporting me to imaginary lands and far off places!

As the sun dips down the Western horizon
And stars peep from behind the curtain of darkness
The silver disk masquerades through fluffy clouds
In a haughty entrance- the showstopper of night!
The waves begin to dance to a a frenzy
Higher and higher they grow
Spreading out their tentacles
Like a bizzare many-legged octopus.

As the tides wash over my countenance
Soaking me to the bone
I feel refreshed, rejuvenated.
And as I languidly stroll the beach
Shivering in wet clothes sticking to my frame
Hair plastered to my face
Wave upon wave of those mighty waters
Lash out at the beach
Turning the golden grains to a darker brown
Breaking many a sandcastle in its plundering wake
And mighty embrace.

Filled with ecstasy and contentment
I turn homewards
As the waves continue to tickle my heels
Washing away my receding footprints
Until they can no longer reach me .......

This poem was composed by me recollecting the wonderful days I spent at a resort in the beach town of Puri in Odisha. It would indeed be worth a visit for any and every passionate traveller or water lover... An experience of a lifetime.

Signing off,
Keep traveling...
Happy Reading.

                                     - Excerpts from the memoirs of a true traveler.

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