Friday 28 August 2015


                                                                     FINDING MYSELF:
          I looked high up into the sky
           The Stars winking down at me
          The silver disk singing lullabies
          In a fruitless attempt to put an agitated world to sleep
          While the mighty waves beneath smiled belligerently
          Crashing synchronically on the rocky beach.
           I walked on and on
           Oblivious to all else
          Completely at peace with my inner being
           In the quest for finding myself!
           Those footprints on the sands of time
           Fading in the distance
          A living memoir of my journey
          That yes, one day my tender feet

          Had walked the face of this land
          Occasionally I paused to ask myself
           "Where can I find the real ME?"
            Again the selfsame voice answers
          "Where the earth meets the Sky!"
           The horizon seems so near at hand
            Just a few miles more and I would be there
           The blend of icy waters and inky space.
           But even a long long time after,
            Hours, days, weeks and months later
           I am still trudging on towards my destination.
           It is but a never ending journey
           I, the lone traveller making my way across life
           Weaving through fragments of time
           Blending in memories, thoughts and experiences
           Creating that eternal portrait that maps my entire existence
           So that when tomorrow with the rise of the golden halo,
           As my soul continues its homeward journey
           Set free of its mundane barriers
            To reach heaven at last
           I succeeding in finding myself,
           On my grave will be emblemed in big bright letters
           "Here rests a true traveller!"

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