Friday 28 August 2015

Live Life Living. 
Once upon a time, there were stars and there were I.
I walked through them, and i said ‘Oh My!’
I was a wanderer, a lonely soul
These cities were my friends, and nature took its toll.   

If you are a traveller, then these lines will make so much more sense to you and fascinate you. But if you are not, they will still fascinate you, and once they do you will start to make sense of it all. Travelling is not just an experience, rather it’s and entirely different world. A world full of endless journeys, endless possibilities, endless adventures and endless experiences. It is not merely limited to packing up your bags and going on a vacation, neither is it as simple as just taking off for an adventure. Travelling is your spirit, it is the personification of your innermost self. And more or less it is exploration of that innermost self. 

Getting lost in the trance of trees sweeping past on the road, or admiring the beauty of the tiniest of things be it a squirrel or the tea-stall on the corner of the bust stand, there is literally no limitations to what travelling can do for you and where it can get you. Journey through the infinite darkness and there will hardly be any hope for life. The desire to see more and spirit to know more is a really adjourning force. It can force you to do things you deemed unnerving. It shows you an entirely different side of a person, that is you.
But who are you? Have ever pondered long enough on this endearing thought?

If you sincerely want an answer to this question nothing else can help you but getting out of your comfort zone to experience new things. Travelling is the soul of every living being on this person. We are always moving forward in life, learning new things, meeting new people. The only problem that comes in your way is your own self. But you’ve got to challenge yourself. And trust me, when you do reach places that you never thought you could, when you come across people and experiences you thought never existed, your entire persona will be so much different than what it is at this moment, you will be a person so free in mind and spirit that nothing will ever feel appealing enough to you as the search for newer experiences in life.
As I said, travelling is the soul of every living being, and what good are you doing for yourself if you are not working on experiencing the innermost and the most amazing part of your life. Travelling can be anything that gives you a new purpose, anything that teaches you something new. It can be as insignificant as taking a stroll in a park, or something as huge as journeying through the vast seas. But as long as you are meeting new people, connecting with new souls, living a new life, you will never cease to enjoy it. 

Give a never ending purpose to your existence. Go see new places, go explore new adventures. Just don't survive. Just don't get through your life. You get only one of it. Go start living. Go start exploring. Go start travelling.
Get to the part where you live your life. And when you do, you will truly be able to live your life living… 

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