Saturday 5 September 2015

Reasons Why You Should Plan A Trip Right Away!

For some, travelling is a way to unwind. Some do it because their work demands it and some don't do it at all. A lot of people spend their lives living in one place, doing a job they hate because they can't find a way out. Some people have all the money in their pockets, but lack the spark or don't have the time to go places and explore the world. So here are some reasons why one should travel a lot. 

1) To unwind

This is the most obvious reason why one should keep travelling. In a schedule which almost drives you crazy each day, finding time for yourself can be extremely difficult. Unwinding and doing something you like must be done to get away from the sheer complexities of life.

2) The feeling of waking up in another city

That feeling is just inexplicably exhilarating. Not being familiar with your surroundings can be comforting, especially when familiar surroundings don't entice you any more. That feeling of knowing that you're waking up in a place you have no clue about and that  you don't know who you might just bump into or what your day could turn out like could be the one feeling, to motivate you from within. It could give you the much needed adrenaline kick.

3) The possibility of being surprised again

Surprises are just underrated in life. Everybody needs a bit of drama and mystery in their life. Maybe that's what you're missing. Traveling to an unknown destination could fulfill the missing surprise element in your life, since you wouldn't know what you'll stumble upon next. That sense of mystery could be your key to finding happiness and meaning again!

4) New faces, new experiences

Sometimes we're just bored of the people that surround us and need to get away from our usual social circle. Meeting new people can awaken things in you that you never knew even existed. Striking a conversation with someone you just met on a bus, or just listening to a random stranger's story can be a whole new learning experience for you. Plus, sometimes we meet people who teach us so much about life and remind us that goodness still exists. You could get lucky and meet one such person who changes you.

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