Sunday 13 September 2015


Hey are you a lazy bug or do you love traveling? Care for some adventure, want to spice up your life? Then hurry, pack your backpack, take along your camera and set off in the pursuit of some ecstasy. Well, I just love traveling and I wou like to share my opinion regarding the best part of traveling.

     Excitement is inevitable in man. And I am no exception. The moment a trip is planned, the tickets done and hotels booked, I begin feeling restless. From that same day onwards, I start ticking off days on the calendar. Time seems to be moving at a snail's pace! And my restless reaches its night on the night before the trip - I just keep fidgeting in bed, waiting for the first Rays of the sun to signal the arrival of the D-day at last!


       I have traveled by train, bus, car and flight too and each of these conveyances has its own charm! Believe it or not, one of my best experiences was a journey to Ooty from Banglore by night bus. The way the bus maneuvered through the winding roads cut around steep slopes, pausing every now and then to peer in the darkness, danger pulsating at every bend, was indeed a terrific experience. And on the flight, I love to observe the varied shapes of cloud racing across the blue sky like a flock of fluffy sheep. The Indian railways snaking through countryside tracks like a long scarlet caterpillar and the sumptuous meals served by uniformed waiters is indeed a treat!

          Now that you are away from your workplace and your daily chores, this is a forced relaxation for your mind and body. Break away from that hectic monotonous schedule and enjoy yourself. Stretch yourself and tan your physique at the beach, sipping coconut water or exotic mocktails. Or, sit  back in your hotel room and simply enjoy the picturesque surroundings, if you are at a hill station. Or, if it's still higher up, go skiing, mountain trekking or even camping down the countryside. Just switch off your phones, tabs and detach yourself from the outside world. Spend quality time with your family, heal your body and mind and rejuvenate your senses. Hey, you can always afford this small luxury!


        The most fascinating part of traveling new places is tingling your tastebuds to all the yummy cuisines of different parts of the world. Take for instance in India itself the style of cooking and the various dishes of the north, south, east and west vary in radically different ways. Up north in Delhi or Punjab treat yourself to rich shimmering gravies, curried or roasted chicken, Chole-bhature, Korma, Biriyani, Halwas, and lassi. In the Northeastern region, particularly in Assam, Tibet and Mehalaya stuff yourself with Momos, Thupka and Chowmein. Deep down south enjoy mouthwatering Sambar, Rasam, Idli, Dosai, Vada and Uttapam with a tinge of tamarind and chilly! And Mumbai is eternally famous for it's Bhelpuri and Pavbhaji! So, what are you waiting for? Go and treat yourself. But then, don't overeat or you will fall sick.

        I just love visiting new places, be it just a garden or water park or lake or some age old monument like Red Fort or Taj Mahal or Mysore Palace. Go to the major places of tourist interest in whichever area you are visiting. Look up about the local history and culture and do some prior research about the place you will be visiting. And of course don't forget to take selfies and photographs at the site. Back home you can create a photo collage and hang it in your study.

    Wherever you go, there's every chance to strike up a close acquaintance with someone who may become your friend for life. Take the first step, mix with the locals and get an idea about their culture and lifestyle. It is really great meeting up with new people, adding to the list of your friends. After all the world today is a global village!

         For me, this is the most important aspect of travel, especially when you are traveling solo. You get to spend some 'alone' time, relax and be at ease with yourself. And through this process, you get to know yourself even better, gaining an insight into your inherent interests, likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses. Take it easy, sit back and enjoy your trip to the fullest!

        I guess you can identify with what I have written here as these are my principal feelings whenever I plan a trip. And do make sure the trip is not too hectic. Plan out in such a way that you return back to work in a refreshed, relaxed and rejuvenated frame of mind.

(Excerpts from the memoirs of a true traveler)
Signing off,
Happy Traveling!✈️

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